Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: FMRI - MRI - ASL - FASL - SPM - Automation

Scientific Description: Automri is an analysis pipeline to process morphological, perfusion, BOLD fMRI, relaxometry and neurovascular data. This software is highly configurable in order to fit to a wide range of needs. Pre-processing includes segmentation of anatomical data, as well as co-registration, spatial normalization and atlas building of all data types. The analysis pipelines perform either within-group analysis or between-group or one subject-versus-group comparison and produce statistical maps of regions with significant differences. These pipelines can be applied to structural data to exhibit patterns of atrophy or lesions, to ASL (both pulsed or pseudo-continuous sequences) or PET data to detect perfusion or metabolic abnormalities, to relaxometry data to detect deviations from a template, to functional data - either BOLD or ASL - to outline brain activations related to block or event-related paradigms. In addition to the standard General Linear Model approach, the ASL pipelines implement an a contrario approach and, for patient-specific perfusion study, an heteroscedastic variance model. Besides, the vascular pipeline processes 4D MRA data and enables accurate assessment of hemodynamic patterns.

Functional Description: Based on MATLAB and the SPM8 toolbox, autoMRI provides complete pipelines to pre-process and analyze various types of images (anatomical, functional, perfusion, metabolic, relaxometry, vascular).

Figure 6. Illustrations of results obtained with autoMRI: Conjunction map showing areas of hypoperfusion and hypometabolism in semantic dementia (left) and detection of relaxometry defect in an MS patient (right).
IMG/automri1.png IMG/automri2.png
  • Participants: Isabelle Corouge, Quentin Duché, Cédric Meurée, Pierre Maurel and Élise Bannier.

  • Contact: Isabelle Corouge

  • URL: http://www.irisa.fr/visages/

  • APP number: Part in IDDN.FR.001.130017.000.S.A.2012.000.31230